Today’s Handbell Advent post is an impressive performance of “Farandole” by Georges Bizet from the 2018 National Honors Handbell Ensemble. Arranged and conducted by Kevin McChesney, these high school students from across America knock this difficult arrangement out of the park. The National Honors Handbell Ensemble is organized by the Stafford Regional Handbell Society and is comprised of musicians ages 13-19 who apply to be part of the ensemble. They only have three days together to put together pieces like this.

Events that bring together young musicians, like this and College Ring-In, are some of my favorite events because they have a different energy and vibe than the traditional handbell event. Participants have this fearlessness when tacking difficult music that push you to try harder when you’re ringing with them. You can see this in the video above. Was the performance perfect? Not by any means. But look at the ferocity with which these musicians tackle this music. I would be thrilled to play with a group like that any day.

Join us again tomorrow for more of Handbell Advent!